Alex Edelman Just for Us

Alex Edelman Just for Us
Written and performed by Alex Edelman
Directed by Adam Brace
Hudson Theatre
July 11, 2023
Production website
💉💉 out of 5.

Most of the time when I go to New York to see shows, I purposely don’t do any research on the show. I like to be surprised. I like to have that experience for the first time.  I held true to that in seeing Just for Us. I didn’t know a thing about the show other than it was a one-man presentation. It didn’t take me long to figure out that this was going to be stand-up comedy routine in a much, much larger space. I have seen this kind of format a few times before and it has worked – but at times the space fought the performance. This show felt to me like it was begging to be in a smaller space.  I can only imagine what fun it was to see this piece when it was in various small clubs and experimental places around the world. I’m sure it had to be something to experience.