Goodnight, Oscar

Goodnight, Oscar
Starring Sean Hayes
Written by Doug Wright
Directed by Lisa Peterson
Belasco Theatre
July 12, 2023
Production website
💉💉💉💉 out of 5.

Goodnight Oscar packed one hell of a punch last night. I knew going in that Sean Hayes would be able to deliver all the comic moments of the show with aplomb. He is so good at those small sarcastic comments and finding a punch line to every single moment. I knew that the comedy would be great, but I was wondering if the night was going to hold any more to it. I am so glad to say it did. The show did start off a little slow and a lot of exposition was needed to take us back in time to the late fifties.  It was important to understand the Jack Paar show and its tendency to bring celebrity guests on its show and exploit them for the sake of ratings.