A Thousand Ways – Part 2: An Encounter

A Thousand Ways – Part 2: An Encounter
Written/Directed by 600 Highwaymen
Public Theatre
June 14, 2021
Production website
💉💉💉 out of 5

Now the action of Part 1 shifts gears sharply. Now this next $15 dollar ticket gets you to the actual THEATRE and gets you sitting directly across from an actual person. Still an audience is lacking but at least we are getting a live event! That’s big! There were about a dozen or so waiting in the lobby and one by one the usher would lead into one of the many theatre spaces of the Public Theatre where we would find ourself on-stage (not in the audience) and facing a simple, well lit table, 2 chairs, one social distancing screen, a stack of typed cards, a pencil, a blank card, and a tape dispenser. Rather spooky to be sitting there all alone. Eventually another person from the lobby that you do know know at all is led into your space and sits in the opposite chair.

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