A Thousand Ways – Part 1: A Phone call

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A Thousand Ways – Part 1: A Phone Call
Written/Directed by 600 Highwaymen
Public Theatre
June 13, 2021
Production website
💉💉 out of 5

Let me begin by saying that this really isn’t theatre in that it lacks one essential ingredient – an audience. This makes Thousand Ways an experience and not technically theatre. But at this point in theatre’s resurgence, I’ll take ANYTHING! The premise is interesting: everything happens with a phone call to a total stranger that remains a stranger throughout. Once your $15 dollar ticket is purchased, you are given a day, a time and a code to dial. When that time comes and you enter the code an pre-recorded electronic voice patches you through to another random person. From there the most mechanical voice asks you to share things with your partner ranging from serious to silly and to do all kinds of imagined fantasies as to what this person must look like and what their habits might be.

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