
First off the talent, music, and orchestration and the writing of the piece most ironically felt like cruise ship entertainment and not legitimate New York Theatre. This piece belonged on a cruise ship or at an amusement park or comedy club and not in a New York theatre. It just lacked that air of sophistication. I also felt that the music of Celine Dion just doesn’t lend itself easily to doing irreverent even raunchy comedy. Name the last Celine Dion song that you can think of that would work to sing while slinging a small dildo about? See my point?

Some of the show opens itself up for an improvisational element and here the show just fell flat. As they steered into the disaster, Celine looked into the great beyond and saw hundreds going blind staring at the eclipse without proper glasses (note the performance was the day of the eclipse). The rest of the cast thought this was so funny but not so the audience. The others tried to pull out items from the days news but the only laughs were the obligatory cast laughs. It seemed like a section that worked like gang busters months ago so they decided to keep it in the show but the punch lines had long ago fizzled.

Too much of the show was pushed and forced and belted and played for a perfectly responding audience they had months ago that laughed at everything they did – but they weren’t taking the time and effort to work with the audience that they had in front of them. It felt like being pummeled with punchlines backed up by NO jokes.

Titanic as funny? Maybe. Celine Dion’s music as funny as funny? Unlikely? Titanique as laugh riot? Not.

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