Public Obscenities

Along with his black, cinematographer boyfriend, our protagonist hopes to interview locals he has found on the hook up app Grinder.  That is where the play could potentially be the most interesting.  All of the sexual taboos of Bangladesh would provide an interesting background to see what comes about on Bangla Grinder.  But essentially they only interview one person off of Grindr and the results are not really that interesting. Over and over again, his expansive production threatens to spread itself a little too thin, but it’s held together by some incredibly good casting and it also does successfully create a bilingual play. That successfully is translated into subtitles above the players head. Personally I was let down by not really caring about a single person on the stage.  Their wins and losses meant very little to me.  Neither my heart nor thinking was affected by the play.  It was interesting but not affecting.  If the play ends with some unanswered questions – – at least it’s conclusion is hopeful.

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