Gutenberg! the Musical!

This show is just silly good fun.Β  The premise of a musical about writing a musical about Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press is just a silly, satirical, overproduced premise to let these two comedians go at it.Β  As they even state in the show, almost nothing is known about Gutenberg – so why not just make up everything yourself.Β  Thur you end up with a show with evil monks, a wench named Helvetica, singing rodents, and the silliness of theΒ  Simpsons and Monty Python all rolled up together.Β  It is actually even funnier when they step outside of making this musical and talk to the audience out of character. Their direct address makes the audience really feel like they are part of the show. The only drawback I see in the show is their device of using baseball caps with the names of characters on it to let us know what character they’re taking on. I’m sure that this made a lot of sense when they were playing very small venues. But in this large stage – – 1. it was very hard to read what was written on the hats and 2. they were such gifted actors it was not necessary to put a label to the hats when we could simply see what part they were playing. It seemed like a device that they should have left behind.Β  Great art?Β  No.Β  Great quality silliness and the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon? Β  Yes!

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