Skeleton Crew
by Dominique Morisseau
directed by Ruben Santiago-Hudson
Atlantic Theatre Company
June 19, 2016 Production website
πππππ out of 5.
This story took me to a world I have never been. It introduced me to an occupation I had never considered – to a city I would never want to live in – to a group of people that I would never think twice about and likely judge and dismiss – to struggles that I will likely never face – – and here I was lapping up each and every moment. I was sitting in my seat through the entire production KNOWING exactly where this story was going – and being WRONG each and every time. Continue reading Skeleton Crew→
by Anais Mitchell
developed and directed by Rachel Chavkin
New York Theatre Workshop
June 18, 2016 Production website
πππππ out of 5.
Everything about this works. This was one of the most full, delicious meals of theatre that I have had in a long time. I have always loved the story of Orpheus and Eurydice and that fateful trip into hell to rescue love – – I did see the Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses set in the swimming pool twice! I just love watching what contemporary drama can do to the Greek classic tales. Continue reading Hadestown→
Red Speedo
written by Lucas Hnath
directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz
The New York Theatre Workshop
March 26, 2016 Production website
πππππ out of 5
How truly wonderful to end my Spring Break extravaganza of seven shows with the very best one of the group: Red Speedo. I did not know much going into the show except that it was written by Lucan Hnath who wrote my last πππππ show, The Christians. I loved that play, and I loved this play, I am officially a fan! Continue reading Red Speedo→
Let me get directly to the point. This play is brilliant. It makes perfect sense why this production is working its way to Broadway in the near future. This play is brilliant – oh, I said this already! Continue reading The Humans→
My body tingled from the very first moment – – and all the way through the curtain call. I tingled. The hair stood up on my arms. I was in theatre nirvana. Never for a moment did I disengage from this show. In fact I tried to sit in the audience after the curtain call just to enjoy the high of the show for as long as I was able. Continue reading Spring Awakening→