Category Archives: 1 πŸ’‰ Rating

Significant Other

Unknown-3Significant Other
by Joshua Harmon
directed by Trip Cullman
Roundabout Theatre
July 17, 2015
Production website.

πŸ’‰ out of 5.
I am really not so sure what makes this significant.Β  Significant Others is a play that sets out to explore how hard it is for a twenty-something gay man to find the β€œone.”  For all of his consternating with his grandmother, employing of all social media options and championing of his best girl buddies he simply can’t β€œget any.”  I guess we are supposed to care.
The play does have its funny moments as wedding parties always create a drunken free-for-all.Β  And protagonist Jordan Berkan certainly does fly across the stage in a caffeinated craze – – but I simply didn’t care for him.Β  He seemed so whiny and shallow as he pursued the elusive Abacrombie-like model that did little but stand on a raised platform for admiration.
He did talk to his grandmother, played by the talented Barbara Barrie.Β  She either ask him β€œhow’s your love life? (which she does more then a dozen times) or she is oddly and comfortably planning her suicide.Β  What??
The set was massive – – a series of rooms and levels but none of them got used.Β  Most was played on the apron in front.Β  Why build such a big set and never inhabit it.
Significant Other would undoubtable make good TV.Β  But to get all dressed up, catch 3 trains, pay over $75 and not to have your dog on your lap – – it simply wasn’t worth the trip.Β  It might have even different for the twenty-sowing in the audience but for this fifty-something no.