The Perplexed

The Perplexed
Written by Richard Greenberg
Directed by Lynne Meadow
Manhattan Theatre Club
March 8, 2020
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

The Perplexed did that and did that for over 150 minutes and did that without any prize for having stayed the course. Β I felt like I was in these expositional first few scenes of a comedy where you do not expect much to happen except the setup that is going to so pay off when you get to the last half of the show. Β I was more than willing to be patient! Β But this was exposition that went on and on and right to the last moment and felt like a long, long joke that was refusing to get the punch line!

Continue reading The Perplexed

72 Miles to Go . . .

72 Miles to Go . . .
Written by Hilary Bettis
Directed by Jo Bonney
Roundabout Theatre Company
Laura Pels Theatre
March 8, 2020
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

I really wanted to love this play; I really did. Β I was thinking it was time for a good play to really deal with the DACA debate and the personal stories of those who are living through the experience and the fear.

72 Miles to Go . . follows a splintered family over 10 years of strength, struggle and love, as they face the profoundly personal drama of immigration. Β  Seventy-two miles. That’s the space between Nogales, Mexico and Tucson, Arizonaβ€”and the world of distance that separates a mother at a shelter and her American-born husband and children. Continue reading 72 Miles to Go . . .