The Play That Goes Wrong

The Play That Goes Wrong
Written by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields
Directed by Matt Dicarlo
New World Stages
June 10, 2019
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

I have seen this play now for the third and, hopefully, the very last time.Β  The only fun left for me in this production was the joy of taking 16 young students who had never experienced the story.Β  I almost wished that my seat had faced them and not the stage.Β  I am sure that would been a worthy show.

I have little to say about the play that I haven’t said before:

Once you see a farce this many times it comes down to the mechanics and not to the joy.Β  Please do see it.Β  It is a brilliant play – but I am going to have to say β€œno” – been there and seen that.