Three Tall Women

Three Tall Women
Written by Edward Albee
Directed by Joe Mantello
Golden Theatre
June 10, 2018
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

There is acting and then there is Three Tall Women.Β  This play was simply a masterclass in acting.Β  Three Women (obviously) dominate the stage and you simply cannot take your eyes off of them for a second. Β  Glenda Jackson, Laurie Metcalf, and Alison Pill – WOW!Β  Whoever arranged that coup of casting needs to get a big bonus. Continue reading Three Tall Women

The Secret Life of Humans

The Secret Life of Humans
Written and Directed by
David Byrne and Kate Stanley
59E59 Theatre
June 10, 2018
Production website
πŸ’‰ out of 5.

Where are we going as a human race?Β  Are things getting better, or are we walking to our own destruction?Β  It sort of depends on the day and what section of the news you open first.Β  The Secret Life of Humans is a transplant from the EdinburghΒ Festival last summer.Β  The play covers a huge range of topics from a very collegiate lecture on the origin of man and the weary steps he has taken forward to the nonsense of a Tinder date that leads into a scavenger hunt over the β€œundisclosed work of un-named scientist working for the British government during World War 2.”
Continue reading The Secret Life of Humans