Torch Song Trilogy

Torch Song Trilogy
Written by Harvey Fierstein
Directed by Moises Kaufman
2nd Stage
June 23, 2017
Production website
💉💉💉 out of 5.

This Torch Song needed to have its torch lit!  I saw the original Torch Song back in the Eighties with a younger Harvey Fierstein and his unmissable, low, rumbling voice.  I remember as a young man in my twenties – I was blown away by every single scene.  I had never seen a drag queen – much less the preparation that drag queens go through to complete the transformation.  I had never been to a gay bar (sheltered, I know) much less a gay bar with a “back room.”  I couldn’t imagine an entire scene of a straight couple and a gay couple shacking up together and swapping partners – all played out in a scene that takes place on a stage-filling bed.  And then that big coming out scene with (in the original, Estelle Getty)  It changed my world – and clearly it opened the door for Will and Grace, Modern Family and the inclusion of gays in a hundred stories, movies and TV shows to come.    It changed the world for gay men in the entertainment world – for sure! Continue reading Torch Song Trilogy