The Children

The Children
Written by Lucy Kirkwood
Directed by James Macdonald
Manhattan Theatre Club
Samuel J. Friedman Theatre
December 26, 2017
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

This is my kind of play – certainly that’s what I thought.Β  I was expecting some combination of a Martin McDonough’s blood and guts kind of a play with a bit of an intellectual warning of the dangers of atomic energy.Β  Some of that happened.Β  The idea is so provocative.Β  What would happen after a nuclear power plant had a problem and poisoned a community? Β  Who would go back into this danger zone to clean up and try to get the plant back on line – – because we certainly cannot do without that electricity and we certainly cannot explore any other more natural ways of making electricity.Β  Who should go back and clean up that plant? Continue reading The Children

Farinelli and the King

Farinelli and the King
Written Claire Van Kampen
Directed by John Dove
Belasco Theatre
December 23, 2017
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

Mark Rylance rules the world! Β  AND for this particular production I was gifted with seats right on the stage. Β It felt almost like being part of a private audience in some courtly manor. Β This was going to be one of my favorite theatre memories in a long list of productions.

Mark Rylance – – There is no way he can be on stage without all eyes being riveted to his work.Β  It is hard to explain this stage charisma.Β  The best that I can explain it is that he is SO very present on stage that you really believe he has NO idea what is going to happen in the next moment.Β  He is like a small child playing in the now and hearing the words coming out of his mouth for the first time. Β It is ALL discovery. Continue reading Farinelli and the King

Bright Colors and Bold Patterns

Bright Colors and Bold Patterns
Written and Performed by Drew Droege
Directed by Michael Urie
Soho Playhouse
November 16, 2017
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

I am in Palm Springs for a wedding of someone I have only heard of. I am in my mid-twenties and in the prime of my life. An older man – I guess we can call him my boyfriend – brought me along because every party needs some eye candy. I have no interest in attending the wedding, but I am digging the attention I am getting floating around this pool in my impressive tan and speedo. [Okay, this is not me – not me now, not me then, and regretfully, not me ever.]Β  Continue reading Bright Colors and Bold Patterns

Hello Dolly!

Hello Dolly!
Book by Michael Stewart
Musical and lyrics by Jerry Herman
Choreographed by Warren Carlyle
Directed by Jerry Zaks
Sam S. Shubert Theatre
June 24, 2017
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰Β out of 5.

I have seen Bette Midler in concert in her Las Vegas show, and last night I saw Bette Midler’s Hello Dolly – without Bette Midler.Β  I think this was the smartest choice to see this musical.Β  I have heard from my friends the Bette Midler as Dolly Levi was terrific.Β  She commanded the stage and you couldn’t take your eyes off of her.Β  I am sure that is true.Β  But I saw Donna Murphy as Dolly Levi and THAT was perfect for me. Continue reading Hello Dolly!

the guy who sees everything