The Welkin

The bulk of the play becomes a vicious, slut shaming, bitchy salute to Twelve Angry Men.Β  The twelve women are uniquely cast and we get to meet very different women from all walks of life – all with their own stories – particularly their stories of sexuality, motherhood, abuse, and various traumas. There is little love or sympathy to be found in the group.Β  I was pulled back into my seat by the cruelty they expressed to the alleged murderer as they forcibly, literally tried to milk her to prove she is pregnant.Β  Then, in turn we get the back story of each of the matrons and their rather horrendous past. It is a wonder that they have any mercy or kindness for anyone – but shouldn’t they have for a fellow woman – therein lies the play. Just when you think the play and the consequences for the women cannot get worse, it does.Β  I was confused by the anachronistic events in the play – perhaps it is a way of forcing the audience the see the contemporary relevance of the women’s issues in the play. It is a play that is a bit too ambitious – trying to do too much in too small a space but you got to give it credit for bringing to light the necessity of demystify a woman’s body.

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