Mary Jane

The first problem I had with the production was that I was sitting in the middle of the mezzanine.  The show which had a most successful run in Off Broadway just had trouble translating to this much larger space.  The tv/film star Rachel McAdams was most believable and detailed (I think) but her work simply didn’t reach beyond the orchestra.  I strained and strained to be a part of her journey but it proved too difficult.

Secondly, the story itself really had very little conflict.Β  Undoubtedly, it was incredibly difficult for Mary Jane to deal with the off-stage presence of her child and the constant bells and alarms that went off indicating that he needed assistance, BUT she handled it and the women around her handled it.Β  Most of the play had problems and challenges laid in front of Mary Jane and her accepting them and moving forward.Β  She accepted her world, she apologized (way too often) to those around her, and kept on going – it really never became too much for her.Β  It was draining to watch her dramatic journey but it never led to a confrontation.

Only once, near the end of the show, did she β€œalmost loose it” when she snapped at the music therapist for being wholly unable to schedule a simply appointment with her son.Β  THEN, I felt conflict.Β  THEN, I felt pulled into the story.Β  But this was the only one time in the story. Β 

I am sure if I had seen this in a smaller venue, my reaction would have been entirely different.  From a distance it was sad but not terribly moving.

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