The Boys in the Band

The Boys in the Band
Written by Mart Crowley
Directed by Joe Mantello
August 1, 2018
Production website
💉💉💉 out of 5.

I have always had a morbid fascination with cutters.  Who in their right mind would pick up a sharp object and stab themself in the arm or leg over and over?  Crazy.  I mean seriously crazy.  As best I can tell the cutter wants to FEEL something and to be the one in charge as to why and when it will be felt.  The ORIGINAL Boys in the Band that I saw decades ago felt like that.  Why would gay men put themself in such places of self-hatred and why would they continue to remind themselves how ugly and unloved they are- – – or at least were in this revival of the classic from the gay theatre of the 1970’s. Continue reading The Boys in the Band