Oh, Hello on Broadway

84409-15Oh, Hello on Broadway
Written by Nick Kroll and John Mulaney Directed by Alex Timbers
Lyceum Theatre
January 4, 2017
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

I came to the theatre with so much prejudice.  I came expecting precious little.  I came hating the title of the play, the artwork of the poster and even the overly amateurishness of the costumes. I knew these guys were hits on YouTube (although, my fault, I had never heard of them).  I knew it was going to be a lot of Jewish jokes (obviously) and New York jokes (obviously, obvious).  I was so dead wrong.  Continue reading Oh, Hello on Broadway β†’

Gorey, The Secret Life of Edward Gorey

gorey-main-thumbnail-image-300x300Gorey, The Secret Life of Edward Gorey
Written and Directed by Travis Russ
Life Jacket Theatre Company
January 4, 2017
Production website
πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ out of 5.

This play was a bit of mystery to me.  Gorey was one of those plays that I purposely chose NOT to research and NOT toread any biography on Edward Gorey’s life.  I wanted to come to the play as a blank canvas. – – This is where I got lost.  Continue reading Gorey, The Secret Life of Edward Gorey β†’