Wolf Hall, Parts 1 & 2


Wolf Hall parts 1 & 2
by Hillary Mantel
adapted my Mike Poulton
directed by Jeremy Herrin
Winter Garden Theatre
July 4, 2015

Production website     💉💉💉 out of 5.

Fourth of July and I am sitting here with the Brits for a full day (near 6 hours) of King Henry VIII and his relationship challenges. This massive work was really quite perfect for the Fourth of July! Told in two parts separated by a dinner break, I took off my shoes, curled my legs and hunkered down for a delicious piece of this history. Smartly so, the set was black and grey and stark and ready to put all of the attention on the characters – not their world. Unlike most tellings of this piece of history, Wolf Hall focuses on the role that Crowell played as he goes from minor player to the puppet-master himself. Continue reading Wolf Hall, Parts 1 & 2