Sadly Taking a Break from NYC

Work calls and I am packing my bags to return to Jacksonville, Florida to begin teaching my 22nd year of teaching theatre at a high school for the perormings arts. It wont’ be until late September that I will likely be able to get back to NY and feed my addiction.

This summer has been wonderful for theatre. It has been a long time since I have seen such diversity. I am so struck by the work of Annie Baker with her successful prodction of The Flick and her less then satisfactory John. However, the concept of taking the stage pause to a whole new level is quite an exploration – – so close to being beautiful and so close to being just boring. I am wondering how other playwrights are going to pick up on this trend.

While I am off the New York theatre scene for a month, I do invite you to switch over to my new blog, Theatre Class Addict at to followings the musings of a 22 year veteran of the theatre classroom preparing classes that I have taught for years and ones that I am just creating from scratch. I would really love your feedback. How fun this has been! – – to think that someone out there may actually read this – – and more – how fun to excicercise my voice and opinion. Till September.

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