
Written by Greg Pierce
Directed by Kate Whoriskey
2nd Stage
January 14, 2018
Production website
💉 out of 5.

In all the plays in all the world – why would anyone chose to do this play?  I just don’t get it  I am not sure what someone in authority was about when they read this play and said, “This is what I need to commit valuable time and resources to.”  Why?  Why?  Why?  This was one of those plays that I sat in the middle of a full house and peeked out to my fellow audience members to see if anyone was getting more out of this play then I was – cause I wasn’t getting anything.  I was not interested in any of the characters or their struggles.  I didn’t believe them and certainly didn’t believe the “development” of the story. There wasn’t an ending moment (much less a climax) where everything came together except a gun shot that no one on stage seemed to care about and the concern on the freshness of hospital muffins.

It has a rather interesting pemise:  How can one rescue a dying town that has lost its industry?  Would a gimmick work?  What if we painted the entire town red?  Would that weirdness be enough to attract tourists and hotels – ( that IS a cool idea) but then when it became about immigrant Chinese exploiting the event it just got dumb.  The love affair with the mayor and the originator of he red city – didn’t believe it.  Didn’t care.  The magic of a town going “red”  didn’t see it – didn’t wow me.  The struggle of a widowed baker and her intellectually challenge son being displaced – didn’t care.  And the invasion of Chinese tour busses ? ? ? Please!

I love theatre.  I have multiple degrees in theatre.  I am ADDICTED to theatre – but Cardinal – – why dear Lord – why?

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